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Posttime: 19 Jan, 2016 Views: 98 Author: Jacky

The Development of Energy Management Control System in Japan

  1. Japanese Lighting Market

According to Japan’s Lighting Industry Association (JLMA) statistics, lamps and lighting product development trend will be more and more closed to LED lamps products. As the end of 2014, LED lamps and lighting products in the proportion of shipments reached nearly 70% (view chart).


And in the specific classification of LED lamps, the use of household products will account for 56% of the total amount of LED lamps the proportion of non household use is 39%. In 2015, LED shipments will reach to 83%.

  1. Japanese energy management is imminent

In March 2011, the earthquake occurred in Japan, which led to the Fukushima nuclear power plant leak. Because of the damage to the nuclear power plant equipment, leading to the rapid decline in the local power, many public power facilities to stop working, which caused great inconvenience for the local people. At the same time, due to the lack of energy efficiency and other factors than the ordinary lighting, the accident is also a good opportunity to develop a rapid development of LED lighting products! At present, the market of lamps and lanterns products in Japan, the proportion of solid-state lighting products is only 62%, and the remaining non solid-state lighting products, the proportion of 38%. According to Japan’s lighting industry association’s forecast, as of 2020, the Japanese Lamps lighting products market will be completely replaced by solid-state lighting products.


At the same time, due to the use of large quantities of solid-state lighting products, in Japan by the use of lighting products generated by the CO2 gas emissions will fall by about 30%.



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