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Posttime: 03 Jul, 2022 Views: 167 Author: Raza Akbar

How to conduct effective emission measurements for compliance testing through EMI receiver

Before putting a product on the market, and EMC test is required to ensure that the product is safe from electromagnetic emissions and immunity. Actual EMC testing, on the other hand, is rather expensive. A pre-compliance EMC test should be performed on the product before the real EMC test is performed, and all this done by EMI receiver.
If the equipment fails an EMI/EMC compliance test, then EMC pre-compliance test will imitate the tests carried out in EMI/EMC test laboratories. To pass EMI/EMC compliance test laboratories is very expensive and complex, but pre-compliance testing costs far less than the actual cost and provides a similar result. EMI receiver is the main component for this kind of testing.
Electronic equipment’s electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is crucial in industrial process safety and reliability. EMC pre-compliance testing in industrial facilities is becoming more difficult due to the increasing complexity and volume of power converters.
The test instrument or equipment will generate e and H fields. Because of their low impedance, electromagnetic fields have an advantage over electric fields when located near their targets. This is known as a far-field combination when the electric and magnetic fields meet at a certain distance

EMI Receiver

Near-Field Radiated emission test
The E and H field waves are measured using a measuring probe close to the circuitry. You may determine where the problems are in an EMI test by using this inexpensive method of measuring. The near-field test isn’t as exact as a far-field test, but it offers a sense of the EMI created in the product during the pre-compliance test.
Near-field testing needs the use of a spectrum analyzer and measuring probes. Spectrum analyzers may be costly, although a “pocket RF Explorer” or EMI receiver may be sufficient in certain circumstances.

Far-Field Radiated emission test
Near-field measurements can only provide a rough notion of what’s wrong, but they can’t tell you what’s emitting. EMI/EMC test laboratories perform far-field radiated emission testing for this reason. It’s a bit pricey and a little challenging to set up.
This configuration is not available in all EMC pre-compliance laboratories; hence this cannot do it in a DIY environment. It is possible to carry out the far-field test in two locations.
1. Open area test site (OTAs)
2. Semi-Anechoic Chamber (SAC)

Pre-compliance vs compliance testing
To assure that your device under test (DUT) will pass final compliance testing, pre-compliance is a low-risk, cost-effective technique. The high expense of compliance testing makes it unwise to put it off until the conclusion of the product development cycle.
LISUN has the best EMI receiver for pre-compliance testing.
To ensure that your DUT is compliant, you must reserve time in the compliance lab and redesign it if it does not meet the required standards. You may save money and prevent unpleasant surprises by doing thorough pre-compliance testing before the real thing is put into place.

EMC pre-compliance test of electronic systems, particularly in industrial installations, may be accelerated by the suggested technique, which adds additional capabilities for monitoring and surveillance of EMC pre-compliance, as well as early warning if abnormal operating circumstances occur.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are Goniophotometer, Integrating Sphere, Spectroradiometer, Surge Generator, ESD Simulator Guns, EMI Receiver, EMC Test Equipment, Electrical Safety Tester, Environmental Chamber, Temperature Chamber, Climate Chamber, Thermal Chamber, Salt Spray Test, Dust Test Chamber, Waterproof Test, RoHS Test (EDXRF), Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997

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