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en English
Posttime: 28 Apr, 2013 Views: 137 Author: Jacky

When you need EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) Rectification and Countermeasures

For electronics and electrical products, the electromagnetic compatibility should be considered at the designing stage, this will reduce the possibility of occurring electromagnetic compatibility problems to a lesser extent during the manufacturing stage. But whether they meet the requirements, the electromagnetic compatibility test will be done, and make sure whether it is in accordance with the electromagnetic compatibility standards.

Due to the complexity of electromagnetic compatibility, even for the products whose electromagnetic compatibility design issues have been fully considered, during the design and manufacturing process, there is bound to be some electromagnetic interference factors and make the final electromagnetic compatibility test fail. It is quite common in the EMC testing.

Of course, for the failure of electromagnetic compatibility test before type approval, we can follow the normal electromagnetic compatibility design ideas, according to the electromagnetic compatibility design specification method and system method; we can re-design the electromagnetic compatibility issues existed. Solving the risk of electromagnetic compatibility existed from the source, this is in the scope of electromagnetic compatibility design.

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